On cold days like today, I have Bret Michaels to keep me warm... warm with laughing. While I've never been a fan of Poison and was "like, totally a new waver" in the 80s, I've been mildly amused at VH1's "Rock of Love" with Bret Michaels. Thank goodness they're doing another season, and we will all have a train wreck to watch once again.
A co-worker sent me this video today, and she's right, the chick in the beginning does look like Charlie Sheen in a wig. Even better, a quick Wikipedia search of Every Rose has its Thorn gives heartfelt information like the following:
Vocalist Bret Michaels wrote the song in response to a failed love affair with a Los Angeles stripper. Poison had been playing at a cowboy bar called "The Ritz" in Dallas, Texas. After the show, Michaels called the woman at her apartment and heard a man's voice in the background. Heartbroken, Michaels wrote the song with an acoustic guitar in a laundromat.
Guess that's what you get for falling for a stripper, right Bret? I do hope they use this song again in the new "Rock of Love" season because they played it in the first season when Bret chose Jes after kicking stripper Heather to the curb. Then Jes kicked him to the curb when she didn't hear from him for six months and she decided to go back to her boyfriend in Chicago.
I'm a pop culture slut.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Every rose...
Posted by
Holly B.
1:06 PM
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas to all
This was one of the mellowest Christmas days I've had in my entire life. All month I've told people, "I just want my long winter's nap," and today I got it.
Posted by
Holly B.
6:03 PM
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
What big mountains you have

Posted by
Holly B.
12:00 AM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Workin' out
I found a new dance class last week that I'm obsessed about. It's called Zumba, the newest craze that's a mix of Latin, hip hop and high-intensity cardio steps. On the other hand, if I were in Japan, I might find a different kind of workout that might burn calories too:
Posted by
Holly B.
10:32 PM
Monday, December 17, 2007
Our love is here to stay?
Yesterday somewhere between a ginormous brunch at Sundance and a bottle of wine with my mom, I watched one of my favorite films, An American in Paris, and really realized how times have changed. I mean, this is no shock since the film came out in the mid-50s. It boggles my mind to think on what's come out since then: Lean Cuisine, diet soda, internet porn-- all the important things on which we've come to rely.
There is a scene in An American in Paris which was probably very romantic at the time, where Gene Kelly (who is the number three love of my life only behind Dean Martin and Jimmy Stewart) seemed the quintessential leading man in search of his love, but a scene I found particularly creepy now. Actions that simply would not fly in this time of technology and, well, stalking laws.
Let me summarize, Gene Kelly ends up at a bar with this chick who is quickly becoming his sugar-mama. While there, he ends up seeing a very French Leslie Caron from afar and all but kidnaps her to dance with him. (sidebar: I'm not a fan of Leslie Caron, and never have been. I much prefer the Gene Kelly/ Cyd Charisse pairings from both Brigadoon and Singing in the Rain and I also hated Caron in Gigi. Actually, I hate the movie Gigi.) The next day Kelly, still thinking of the lovely Caron, invades her privacy by dropping her an unwanted phone call while she's working at the perfume shop. Caron hangs up on him, telling him never to call her again.
Not taking the blatant hint, Kelly goes to her work to find her, woo her, then further annoy her. He finds her at work! Right at the perfume shop! The "Pop-In." This is not romantic. This is creepy. This is behavior exhibited by people who have addictions to things. This is not action of someone who respects the woman's wishes to be left alone.
I was watching this and getting mad at Gene Kelly. "How can you do this, Gene?" I asked the TV out loud. "How can you completely disrespect her wishes and continue to bother her time and time and time again?"
I continued, "You're a nice guy, Gene, a very nice guy. You're also a snappy dancer. But leave the poor girl alone if she doesn't want to talk to you. You're not a psycho, but you're acting like one."
If this were in today's world, I daresay Gene Kelly would be one jazz-step away from putting the lotion in the basket. Like all movies at that time, this relationship finally ended with a happy feel-good button and an old-time song and dance. Things I just don't see happening in this jaded world of 2007.
Posted by
Holly B.
11:01 AM
Labels: Annoyances, nostalgia, Sad, scary
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Take on me
There are ways to make a good impression, and ways to not make a good impression. I'll just let this one speak for itself:
Posted by
Holly B.
8:32 AM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Merry ho ho
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper, the more creative, the better. With good bows.
2. Real tree or artificial? Artificial, with only white lights. I hate colored lights. I even only like white bubble lights. No colors. None.
3. When do you put up the tree? I haven't for a few years. I'm not festive this time of year anymore.
4. When do you take the tree down? I think the last time I put one up I managed to forget about it until sometime in July.
5. Do you like eggnog? Yes. With rum. Or just rum. Plain.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Dancerella
7. Do you have a nativity scene? No. They scare me.
8. Hardest person to buy for? People I don't know well. I like to get pretty personalized, "special" gifts.
9. Easiest person to buy for? My dad. Sooooo, yeah.
10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? A blender from a boyfriend. I never want to get appliances from a boyfriend again.
11. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail if I think about it. Like I said, I haven't been festive for a few years.
12. Favorite Christmas movie? National Lampoons' Christmas Vacation and Scrooged
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas ? Just before I start to feel overwhelmed.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yes, generally it's one of those generic, neighborhood "hot chocolate in a cup" kind of gifts.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Shrimp and margaritas. We used to always do "shrimp-fest" for Christmas. And margaritas. Lots and lots of margaritas.
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? See number 2. ONLY clear lights. Ever. Ever.
17. Favorite Christmas song? Good King Wenceslas, a jazz saxophone version.
18. Travel for Christmas or stay home? I used to like to stay home, now I like to travel as far away as schedule allows.
19. Can you name all of Santa's' reindeer? Yes. Even after a few beers.
20. Angel on the treetop or a star? Pink flamingo.
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Open presents Christmas Eve. Drink. Sleep in Christmas morning.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Wanting to feel festive, but not really feeling festive.
23. What I love most about Christmas? It doesn't last all year.
Posted by
Holly B.
8:17 PM
Sunday, December 09, 2007
And we thought the snow was bad...

Posted by
Holly B.
10:04 PM
Labels: funnies
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Separated at birth?
As I'm ditching the gym for the Top Chef: Holiday Special and Grey's Anatomy tonight, I couldn't help but think of two more people separated at birth.
Posted by
Holly B.
7:57 PM
Labels: food, funnies, Reality Shows, scary
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Bad Senior Portraits

Posted by
Holly B.
8:45 PM
Labels: photography, scary
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
On man and metal
After enduring the first part of SciFi Channel's Tin Man on Sunday night, I wanted to learn more about how a station seemingly so great about supporting good shows (hello? Firefly? Battlestar Galactica? MST3K?) could fail so miserably.
Posted by
Holly B.
7:04 PM
Monday, December 03, 2007
Sugar shame?
Today, Urban Princess and I went to a much-need laughter therapy lunch at Noodles and Company where the man bringing out our lunch was extremely nice to us. Sure, we're a couple of hot saucy trollops, so why shouldn't he be kind? As we were finishing our lunches, he came over and gave us each massive cinnamon sugar cookies and told us to have a great day. His gesture made me smile, and though I wasn't going to chow the cookie, I put it in my purse to take back to work for my boss.
Posted by
Holly B.
6:45 PM
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Invisibility cloak
Posted by
Holly B.
4:50 PM
Friday, November 30, 2007
Things I don't need
I have this ability to make myself believe I really need things I don't really need. I've gotten better about this, but sometimes I have to exercise extreme amounts of willpower to talk myself out of purchases. Last night, I wanted this bag but opted out. I still think of it fondly today.
Posted by
Holly B.
1:13 PM
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Stupid DSL
Posted by
Holly B.
8:28 PM
Labels: NaBloPoMo
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Separated at birth?
I used to really like Tim Gunn the first seasons of Project Runway, but since he's taken on Tim Gunn's Guide to Style, he's starting to sound a lot like Stuart Smalley. I was particularly taken aback by the latest promo on Bravo when he's introducing a woman to Top Chef's Padma Lakshmi because they both have heinous, bubbling arm scars.
Posted by
Holly B.
9:20 PM
Labels: NaBloPoMo, Reality Shows
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Grammar police
After making the unfortunate mistake of watching a rerun of "The Real Housewives of Orange County" tonight, I came away with but one simple request: If you're going on television, please use proper grammar and/or vocabulary words. Well thought-out sentences might also be nice.
- "I needed to excape from things..." (Second biggest grammatical pet peeve on the list just after people who say "expecially.")
- "I don't really know the 'pacifics' of what happened." (I think she meant to say, "I don't know the specifics of what happened.")
- "I have had some trouble with the Hummer. What can I say? It's a Hummer."
- "She's doing good."
- "We're going to the ranch... if you wanna' come out to the ranch, we'll leave the clicker." (I still don't know what a "clicker" is. Garage door opener, perhaps? Remote control? Small chicken?)
- "I started taking 'rill' estate classes..." (Pronunciation is our friend, too.)
- "We're sisters, but we don't fight... I don't think we've ever foughten."
Posted by
Holly B.
6:14 PM
Labels: NaBloPoMo, pondering, Reality Shows, scary, writing
Monday, November 26, 2007
On food...
Posted by
Holly B.
3:19 PM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The muppet is gone
When I first moved into where I live, now dubbed "Greg Brady Paradise," I went on a shopping spree to get as much faux fur or shag covered anything I could possibly find. After hitting some kind of warehouse sale, I found an enormous hot pink flokati body pillow which I used as a seat cushion for my 1970s retro love nook/fireplace lounge which is a major component to the kitschey-ness of where I live. Who doesn't love pink shag when you're living in a 1970s wood paneled oasis? Until today. Today I learned pink shag anything is a fantastic idea, unless you find out you've got a major Box Elder bug infestation for three months out of the year. If that's the case, you find out there are bug bodies embedded in the shag, too far for even a vacuum to suck.
Posted by
Holly B.
5:12 PM
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Before it's midnight...
I saw some guy driving today and he was brushing his teeth. While driving.
Posted by
Holly B.
11:54 PM
Friday, November 23, 2007
Direct Marketing?
It's that time of year where companies inundate us with their catalogs, with the hopes we'll spend our hard-earned money with them. I'm okay with getting the giant Victoria's Secret holiday panty catalog, because I'm sure I'll wear the cover's hot pink "naughty Santa" outfit everywhere I go from now until the end of the year. I'm even okay with the occasional Harry and David catalog since I did order Moose Crunch from them several years ago. But I draw the line when I get a catalog to something that just does not apply to me. Not. Even. Remotely.
Posted by
Holly B.
7:29 PM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
As the Irish say, "May you always have a clean shirt, a clear conscience and enough coins in your pocket to buy a pint!"
Posted by
Holly B.
2:34 PM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Trials of the teeny-tiny Nano
I love going to the gym because I always witness messed up things. I don't even have to make up something like "my ex-boyfriend was working out next to me and he's so dumb" kinds of stories because I always witness messed up things that are always comedy gold. Just last night at the gym, I witnessed an event that makes me wonder if smaller tech-toys are necessarily better.
Technology is funky. I didn't think it was possible for iPods to get tinier, but they have. I remember last November when I got my new Shuffle, I bet some folks at a party to swallow it-- just because they could. It seemed that small! I also never thought I'd see the day when my 3rd generation 10Gb iPod was considered a clunky, antiquated brick. But now it is.
Last night I was on the elliptical trainer at the gym when this couple who was making out right in front of me decided to actually get their tongues out of each others' mouths and get their asses on the nearby row of treadmills. After walking for maybe 30 seconds, the makeout girl jumps off the treadmill and starts frantically searching around for something. I noticed her headphone cord just dangling there without an electronic device, and I figured she must have flipped it out of her pocket and it was probably somewhere around her makeout, err, workout space.
After poking around for a few minutes in all the nearby equipment, the couple decided to take some action and grab the ever-helpful "gonna sign you up for a gym membership" guys. He waddled over to the treadmill, lifted it up to have a look-see underneath, then set it back down. Thorough assessment.
The membership guy left to go and get the parking lot greeter guy while the couple started kissing again and I thought to myself, "Wow, I've been watching this for twenty minutes now!" After a few more minutes, parking lot greeter guy waddled over to the treadmill, lifted it up to have a look-see underneath, then set it back down. Thorough assessment. He left to get a screwdriver while the couple, you guessed it, started kissing again.
It was at this point that the look of disgust crept over my face as I stared at the kissing couple with contempt. I hate public displays of affection anyway, sweaty public displays of affection are just wrong-- me sweaty, them sweaty, the guy next to me sweaty, whatever-- it's all wrong. Though nearly 40 minutes had passed and my workout was almost finished, there was no way I was going to miss the outcome to this twisted tale of teeny technology (nor the great alliteration). Parking lot greeter returned and had to completely disassemble the treadmill. He took the entire front portion off, plus he had to lift up the belt to look inside where, lo and behold, sat the makeout girl's Nano.
Makeout girl had made the one in a million shot to successfully sink her iPod puck right into that itty bitty slot in the front of the treadmill where the belt goes in. Amazing. Some hockey players should be so lucky. There's no way it could ever happen again. Of course, the celebratory couple kissed, then decided they'd be better off taking their workout home and they left. Thank goodness they did, I had been going at "plaid speed" on my elliptical for nearly an hour and thought I was going to have a heart attack trying to run and not laugh at the whole weird scene.
I'll say it again: Technology. Funky. Sometimes makes me wish for a mammoth brick "Zach phone" like on Saved by the Bell.
Posted by
Holly B.
1:41 PM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I find this picture totally chilling and I'm afraid it's going to haunt my dreams. I am afraid if I go to a park it is going to leap out from behind a tree and hack through my Achilles tendon with a serrated knife.
Posted by
Holly B.
11:00 AM
Monday, November 19, 2007
Little beauties
I hurried home for lunch today for about 40 minutes to eat a Lean Cuisine and numb my brain with a little daytime television. When I turned on the TV to find last night's decision to watch VH1, I found one of the most disturbing shows I've seen in a long time: Little Beauties-- Ultimate Kiddie Queen Showdown. Of course, I couldn't take my eyes off the train wreck of a show, I had to watch it until I finally went back to work.
Posted by
Holly B.
9:23 PM
Labels: NaBloPoMo, pondering, Reality Shows, Sad, sick
Just a quick post...
For those of you who had a link to your blog on my site, I accidentally deleted the list and didn't realize it until just now. I had the brilliant idea over the weekend to change up the template, and when I realized the template I liked was all in Spanish, I tried changing things back and really screwed up the works.
Anyhow, I have fixed things and your link is there again, and I hope you didn't think I didn't like you (or your blog) anymore.
Posted by
Holly B.
11:53 AM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
I'm spiritually challenged...
For some odd reason, tonight I was compelled to drag myself off the couch and head to Jazz Vespers. One problem, it was at a Unitarian church, and I think I'm scared of churches. Never being religious, I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into, but I went anyway. If nothing else, I was finally pulling myself together for the day.
Posted by
Holly B.
7:51 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Oh thank heaven...
Tonight I had to stop by the old 7-11 to pick up some cheapie beer to take to a girl friend's porch party and of course, I got carded.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Nostalgia, part deux
As I was scanning pictures earlier this week, I ran across this picture of my mom and I at Thanksgiving at my grandparents' house. This picture is particularly funny to me since she and I are both obvious divas-- looking fabulous, with cocktails. Since it's about that time of year, I thought I'd continue to reminisce a bit about how happy the holidays were.
Posted by
Holly B.
3:01 PM
Labels: NaBloPoMo, nostalgia, photography, pondering
Thursday, November 15, 2007
I have to disagree
Today it was revealed that Matt Damon is People Magazine's sexiest man alive for 2007. The headline to this post reveals my opinion, I disagree. While Matt Damon is moderately sexy, I don't think he is the sexiest man in 2007, there are sexier. Sure, he's gotten better since Good Will Hunting (even though the Boston accent is always a plus), but I'm a firm believer that the Ben Affleck of that era is far sexier.
Posted by
Holly B.
5:41 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Short Post Today
Quickly, a few things from the Blackberry:
1. New Project Runway season starts tonight.
2. They took Ricky Martin out of the Puerto Rico tv spots. I don't want to go there now.
3. I stole a roll of toilet paper from work because I don't have time to go to the store before my Rocky Horror gig tonight.
Posted by
Holly B.
5:39 PM
Labels: NaBloPoMo
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Is this really an issue?
Posted by
Holly B.
6:14 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
It's that time of year-- where families find a way to get along, and everyone reminisces about the good memories in life. We give thanks, we drink a few, but mostly, we're together. This year feels even harder than last year; last year I was numb, this year, I'm raw.
Posted by
Holly B.
7:05 PM
Labels: NaBloPoMo, nostalgia, photography, pondering
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Workin' out
Despite immense soreness from a very long dance rehearsal yesterday, I made it to the gym today. I walked in, did some lifting, and as I went to the ab bench thing (the official, technical term, I'm sure) I saw something so horrifying, so off-putting, I almost couldn't do the two hundred crunches I needed to round out my day.
Posted by
Holly B.
7:46 PM
Labels: Annoyances, NaBloPoMo, sick, workout
It's pacific time somewhere, I didn't bail out on NaBloPoMo. I also did not just order fast food.
Posted by
Holly B.
12:55 AM
Friday, November 09, 2007
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Pucker up, buttercup!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
It's so simple!
Wow! I had no idea it would be so easy to meet a man. Here I thought that being single meant putting myself out there, trying to meet and connect with somebody. But no! It's as simple as a random email from some source called "StillSingle" sending me an email telling me to click the link "for a free match-- FREE!" A spam email, no less! How did it know? How am I so lucky to meet the man of my dreams just by clicking the link? Amazing.
- Chopped port shoulder meat with ham meat added
- Salt (for binding, flavor and firmness-- firmness?)
- Water (to help in mixing)
- Sugar (for flavor)
- Sodium Nitrite (for color and as a preservative)
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Make it so...
- Long neck
- Extremely large head (Compared to what?)
- Wide-set eyes or close-set eyes
- Large forehead (Paging Tyra Banks, Miss Banks to your transporter, please.)
- Short upper lip (Just what is a short upper lip?)
- Over- or under-sized ears and/or nose
- Facial deformities
- Pure, wholesome looks (I think I'm in!)
- Emaciated
- Regally poised and postured
Monday, November 05, 2007
What will they think of next?
Posted by
Holly B.
1:38 PM
Labels: food, funnies, NaBloPoMo, technology