Yeah, it was an ambitious try to do a 365-a-day photo blog. I think I made it to, what, a month? At least I'm consistently inconsistent. The ultimate juxtaposition.
I've been in a play, so my blog and social life have been in a bit of a holding pattern. I went out of town for work, I became really introspective, I drank some wine. But I'm back in town, the play's over, and now I'm just down to wine and introspection. Hence, more regular blog posts.
So, to bring you up to speed on a few things that have happened in my life over the past couple of months... I steered away from emotional vampires, I cooked a few great dinners without catching the kitchen on fire, and I've survived strangeness. The brakes in my vehicle went out on the way to work the other day, and I emerged unscathed. $500 later I was pissed, yet proud, that I took care of it all myself.
Beyond that, I'm trying to figure out exactly how to be happy. I don't think it's an exact science of "activity a + mindset b= happiness" but since math is hard I don't necessarily deal in exact sciences. So, I'll figure it out. I'll go out more. I'll not burn down the kitchen. I'll get through another vehicular snafu.
I will continue to drink wine. And I will write.
You ski. I ski. Hold on while I make this awkward.
11 years ago